Tuesday 29 January 2013

Swimming success!

Nap time is almost over but I had to let you all know about the swimming success we had today! We literally took it step by step (sitting on the edge, then then next step, then the next step) and before long we were playing in the pool and she was joining in and sitting on the giant float with the other babies. Superstar! I was such a proud Mummy and phoned Mama up to tell her the good news! I felt all familyish! It was lovely!

Grandma and Grandad are here (although currently they are both called Grama).  She was a little unsettled yesterday but has been full of beans today and enjoying all the attention and 'ugs!

We are going to try soft play again tomorrow and then the independent reviewing officer person will be there in the afternoon. Scary!

I have been busy mopping up our cat's wet paw prints from the kitchen floor. He came in today and a little person scuttled into the kitchen and came back with a mop! She was 'elpin'! So lovely! We must get her a little mop and things so she can 'elp more!

So lots of positives to share!

Must go!

Lots of love x

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